Anisur Rahman Mahmud Web Application Developer

About me!

I am a computer nerd who loves anything that has anything to do with computers. Partly a big reason i studied computer science. I am very good with html and css. I am currently in the process of learning Javascript and NodeJS. So far i am loving it.

Glimpse of Couple of My Projects

Space War Game

game picture

This is a mini space war game made using Panda library from python. Score gets updated if one manages to shoot down the red dot objects. But shooting the blue square objects causes panalty. You can check out the source code at my github repository.

Trying to Recreate Social Media

This was a great learning experience. Most of what i learned here are from freecodecamp. We tried to create a social media site using Django framework. The templates were designed using HTML, CSS and Javascript. The project included features suchs as

  • Creating New accounts
  • Posting Pictures
  • Liking Pictures
  • Following Other Users
  • Update Bio
The project is available at github

Learing MERN by making a simple Book Store

This was the first project I made while learning MERN Stack. Here i uitilized MongoDB, Express JS, React and Node JS. I also used Vite along with react. It proved to be quite a learning experience. The project included features suchs as

  • Creating Books
  • Editing Books
  • Deleting Books using ID
  • Showing Book details
The project is available at github